• Consent to school health screening:

    1. Participation in Start Right's school screening program, conducted on school premises, requires prior consent. Parents or caregivers must provide consent in advance for their child to undergo the screening, as it is unsupervised by them during the process.
    2. Each child will undergo screening individually in a private setting, overseen by qualified health professionals. A designated member of the school staff will accompany the child to uphold the safeguarding policies and practices of both the school and Start Right.
    3. Consent must be granted for each child scheduled to participate in our screening service, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical standards.
    4. Parent/caregiver information is collected at the time of registration to facilitate the delivery of the child's results. Additionally, consent will be sought from parents or caregivers to email their child's screening results for their convenience and accessibility.
  • Types of health screening offered:

    Start Right is dedicated to early identification of common, treatable health issues for your child's well-being. Our screenings promptly pinpoint potential health concerns, facilitating timely interventions to support your child's health and academic success.

    1) Vision Screening: This screening assesses your child's visual acuity and identifies potential vision problems.

    2) Hearing Screening: This test checks for any hearing difficulties your child may have.

    3) Scoliosis Screening: This examination identifies potential spinal issues and includes physical examination of the posture and back/spine.

  • Limitations of health screening:

    It is essential to acknowledge that while school health screenings play a vital role in first line identification of potential issues, they are not a substitute for a comprehensive medical evaluation performed by a qualified healthcare provider.

    Limitations may include:

    1) Scope: School screenings are delimited to specific health facets and may not encompass all conceivable health issues.

    2) False Positives/Negatives: Screenings can produce false positive or false negative outcomes, potentially eliciting unnecessary concern or failing to detect genuine health concerns.

    3) Non-Diagnostic: Screenings are not diagnostic in nature and serve to identify potential areas of concern. Further evaluation and confirmation by a healthcare provider/specialist may be necessary.

    4) Limited Privacy: Screenings are consistently conducted in a one-on-one private setting. However, for safe-guarding purposes, children are accompanied to and from screenings by school staff members. In instances where schools permit, students aged 7 and above may travel in groups to the screening area.

  • Your child's consent:

    At Start Right Healthcare, our pediatric team boasts extensive experience, prioritizing your child's comfort throughout the screening process.

    We ensure this by:

    1) Tailoring our explanations of the screening process to match your child's age and developmental stage.

    2) Verifying essential information such as the child's name, date of birth, or caregiver's name to ensure accuracy.

    3) Seeking explicit consent from the child through queries like "Are you ready to begin?"

    4) Empowering the child to decline or halt tests if they feel uneasy at any point. Should such a situation arise, our clinical team will promptly communicate with parents/guardians regarding the matter.

  • Results for school screening:

    1) Results will be provided to parents/ caregivers directly by email

    2) Results will be provided within 5 working days of the last screening day of the school session.

    Example/ if screening takes place 1st-5th March at School, you can expect the results 5 working days from the 5th of March.

    3) At point of sale Start Right will seek your consent to to email you results. Please provide an accurate email address and a phone number.

    4) Please note your child's results could be delivered to your spam inbox due to your email settings. Please check this if your results are due and not in your mail inbox.

  • Pass Result:

    A Pass result: No potential issues have been detected at this time AND within the parameters of our screening. It is important to note that health changes during normal childhood development, and annual screening is recommended.

  • Refer Result:

    This indicates that our screening test has identified an issue that could potentially impact your child's health and learning.
    Along with your child's results, Start Right will provide you with a list of specialized healthcare providers who are well-regarded and trusted in their respective fields.


    Start Right maintains an independent stance from our referral sources, conscientiously upholding neutrality in our referral process in alignment with our company's ethical values. We do not receive any payment for referring your child. Your doctor or insurer may also offer recommendations for further assistance and referral sources.

  • If your child gets a refer result, we recommend you share the information with the school.

    Start Right recommends that parents discuss the findings of your child's health screening with the school, especially if the screening provides relevant information which may affect your child's learning.

    Informing the school enables teachers to make appropriate changes to their teaching methods and optimize the classroom environment.

  • Private services / At home screenings:

    During home based screenings, you are welcome to accompany your child at the screening and we welcome any questions you may have. We offer full transparency and can explain every part of the process. Start Right will seek consent for screening at the point of booking, and upon meeting with you and your child at home or in a private clinical setting.


    • If you are willing we can discuss the results on the spot, with or without your child present.